Using Delegates in a plugin?

I have followed this:

to try to set up delegates in my plugin.

In my PrivatePCH.h:


in .h

    DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_ThreeParams(FDataInDelegate, float, rotationX, float, rotationY, float, rotationZ);

UCLASS(config = Engine)
class UUnrealEdRemoteSettings : public UObject

	UUnrealEdRemoteSettings(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

		FDataInDelegate OnTimeUpdated;

This gives me errors on build:

in the PCH.h

    Error (active)		this declaration has no storage class or type specifier	

Error	C2143	syntax error: missing ';' before '<class-head>'	

AM I missing an include?

I just ran into this. Use DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE instead.

Im trying to also do this in a plugin, could you give me more details on how you did this?