Using Customized UVs on Nanite Meshes


Is it still worth using Customized UVs when nanite meshes have significantly more vertices compared to UE4. Is moving the UV manipulation logic to vertex shader still worth it with nanite?

Its worth it everywhere.

Its about where the claculation occurs - slow CPU vs Fast GPU.

Thanks for the confirmation @MostHost_LA. I went ahead and implemented in my materials. Also how does the number of customized UVs affect performance. I have a few samplers with different tillings, so I had to use 5.
Thanks! :grin:

You can probably use vertex interpolate just like the UV. Depends on what you are doing a bit, but it should work similarly (moving off the computation to the GFX).

You can use as many UVs as you want. The issue if any is when you attach them to a different texture sample - and there is no way around that.

Any time you set a UV onto a Texture it means “sample this texture so that it tiles this way”.

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