Hi everyone,
I am currently in need of some help. Basically I would like to have a material where I can specify a cubemap and have it reflect only on the object that have the material. I have found the reflection vector node, however it overpowers my diffuse and looks like glass. Is it possible to have it behave like its reflecting something fairly realistically but shows the cubemap as a reflection but also the base color etc (essentially normal behaviour but instead of environment reflections, using cubemaps). I am working on a stylized game and would need some custom reflections per object. Any help is appreciated. Again, the main problem is my diffuse map is overpowered by reflection vector input and looks like shiny metal instead.
Yes you can blend the strength of the cubemap by modifying it in some way prior to outputting it to the base color/emissive. Divide, subtract, etc will reduce it’s strength. Using a fresnel node can make it so the reflection is stronger at angles but weaker directly on which is generally true for real objects. You can also force using a higher mipmap level in the sampler to blur the cubemap and simulate rougher reflections.