Aside from a release note for 4.2, there is absolutely no documentation regarding the use of IPv6 addresses in UE4. I tried to run Open ::1 in-game, but it wouldn’t work.
My ISP is using IPv6 as standard, and so there is no NAT traversal and port forward available. As a result I cannot host servers connecting with IPv4, I was hoping if I use the IPv6 implementation in UDK for connecting game servers I would alleviate this problem.
Is there actually IPv6 support? How do I use it? Do I need to activate it somehow?
Its mid 2020 and here I am having the same issue. With more and more people having Dual Stack Lite instead of a public IPv4 address this problem is just going to get worse.
I have been trying to really get into UnrealEngine the last couple of weeks especially with the amount of impressive features they are showcasing. What impressives me the most though is how aweful their documentation is.