Use DataSmith

I wanna to create Myclass to extend DatasmithAssetImportData class. I use unreal engine to create a class named
MyDatasmithStaticMeshCADImport and the engine created .h&.c file the MyDatasmithStaticMeshCADImport.h created by engine has a error: can’t open source file DatasmithAssetImportData.h.Is there any way to solve this problem?

The bottom is the code created by unreal enigne4

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "DatasmithAssetImportData.h"
#include "MyDatasmithStaticMeshCADImport.generated.h"

class CPLUSPLUSTEST_API UMyDatasmithStaticMeshCADImport : public UDatasmithStaticMeshCADImportData
