USD Variants in blueprint

Is there a way to configure USD variants in blueprint? I can use the USD stage editor to switch variants just fine but would like to use widget blueprints to drive variant selection on assets

If you plan to do all this in the Editor I would look into EditorUtilityWidgets.

From there I’m sure you could find your assets and edit them accordingly. You have access to the asset registry via blueprints when using the editor utility widgets

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This is great but what if you wanted to drive variant selection via Sequencer?
Is there some of of directly referencing your variants in the USD Stage Actor?

The current status is this:

  • you cannot directly access stage actor with blueprints
  • you can access it with python API. UE allowing you to call python scripts from editor blueprints you can perform action on stage actor with editor utilities
  • Same with sequencer you could call python through blueprint from sequencer

python is not available at runtime, and some feature will also not work in PIE, so that would be editor only.


I would like to know if there are any updates regarding handling variants at runtime.
Whether it’s in Blueprint or in C++?
Is it still impossible?

Thank you in advance.

Yes, it is still in the backlog without ETA .

Thank you for the response.