USD - Blender to Unreal - Opacity Texture Issue


Trying to export a very basic decal from Blender to Unreal Engine. I made the same setup in Blender and Houdini. Both look fine in their own viewport. However when I load a usd file exported from Blender into Unreal I get a weird glossy look, not only it’s glossy but it also feels like some sort of screen space reflection. Anybody knows how to fix this? We have an upcoming project in the office and it’s a real bummer that we have to make objects with opacity in another software.

I used Blender 4.1, Houdini 20.0.625, Unreal Engine 5.3.

Test Files attached.
Textures are from here:

Thanks in advance.

USD_Test.blend (950.5 KB)
USD_Test.hiplc (315.3 KB)

Hi @psychoboy852,

I’d say that the problem comes from the IOR that should be 1 instead of 1.5 (you can change the value in Blender before exporting usd, or directly in Unreal on opened file before importing).

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Hi @Matt.J ,

Thanks a lot for a tip! That indeed fixed my issue. It’s still strange to me that I had IOR set to 1.5 in Houdini and it worked fine in Unreal. But IOR 1.5 in Blender didn’t work.

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