When calling UScrollBox::ScrollWidgetIntoView() (Both in Blueprint and C++) it does not show the target widget entirely.
I got a couple screenshots of how it currently behave, as of UE4.17, and how it should behave (having room, showing the widget entirely. If there’s no room, show as much as possible of it):
UScrollBox::ScrollToEnd() works as expected (but there isn’t an animation option for it, and the animation is really neat :D)
Hopefully UScrollBox::ScrollWidgetIntoView() can be fixed.
When I use the Scroll Widget Into View node in blueprints, the Widget to Find is brought into view as expected. Can you provide the setup you’re using or a sample project reproducing the behavior?
Something I noticed while I was making this small proof of bug (I’m tempted to type concept here lol), is that it happens when you change the content of the widget (in this case, the text) after it was created. Maybe it’s size isn’t being re-calculated after creation?
If there’s a workaround for this, currently, I’d love to know about it
There are a couple of fixes for the scrollbox in 4.18.
Scrolling into view seems to work fine again. I update the (long) text of the last widget before scrolling it into view. I was half-expecting that a ForceLayoutPrepass will be necessary but that’s not even the case.
Sorry for the late reply and thank you for the sample project. I was able to see what you are referring to and have entered a report here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-52000) . You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.