Usage of third party plugin template

I would like to incorporate a suite of 3rd party libraries (specifically, ROS2) into UE4. I’ve seen the post at Adding a Third Party Library with source files - Pipeline & Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums , but that is more about adding 3rd party libs directly to a project. Alternatively, I’d like to create a plugin since I believe this will ultimately be more portable.

The unreal editor has a plugin template for a third party library, but it seems to be directed at compiling said 3rd party library from source. I want to use static libraries already compiled elsewhere (again, in my case, using the ROS compile tools) and just pull in the needed headers and lib files with this plugin.

Is there any documentation that illustrates the usage of the third party plugin template? If not, can someone explain where in that template I would add my headers and lib files to make them visible to a project that uses the third party plugin template?