Usability issue: Mouse position reset to top left of all display.

I met this issue for 4.5 and 4.51, where I try to click on a value textbox to edit the value, the mouse just go nuts and turn to the most top left corner of desktop. I use 2 monitors, and display fusion, i wonder if there is something conflicting there.

I don’t use 2 monitors and i have this problem as well. i wish they would fix it as i usually have a video up there and my mouse is a little glitchy. so it keeps tabbing over to the video as i’m trying to type. which jumps the video around because youtube has keybinds. huge pain. really hurting workflow. =(

Hey and -

This was a known issue that was fixed in 4.6. If you upgrade to the latest engine version you shouldn’t have the mouse issue interrupting workflow.
