October 20, 2016, 10:28am
I got some trouble figuring out why I cannot run my project inside Nightly. Its packing without problem from UE4, zero errors and few warnings mostly materials so that default ones are going to be used. If I package the project for windows it runs without problems.
From the Nightly browser I get one fatal error which is:
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.13+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp] [Line: 330]
and on the I dont know how to call it “screen”? is this:
LaunchSetGameName(wchar_t*, FString?&)
FEngineLoop::PreInit(int, wchar_t**, wchar_t*)
If I package a blank template scene (FPS) it runs ok in Nightly.
Does the problem have something to do with UE4 at all or its just Nightly problem? Thanks in advance.
October 20, 2016, 11:13am
Omg I mixed stuff really badly, sorry for the confusion. The error message is from Firefox not Nightly and its:
Uncaught abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 536870912, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which adjusts the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ") at Error
at jsStackTrace (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:52114 )
at stackTrace (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:52297 )
at abort (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:85:173879 )
at abortOnCannotGrowMemory (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:52657 )
at enlargeMemory (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:53102 )
at Object.dynamicAlloc (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:36571 )
at Object.getMemory (blob:http://localhost:8000/61fb1a8c-d751-4534-add8-0c5561f8a87f:1:43218 )
at processPackageData (blob:http://localhost:8000/633ad653-1bd3-48c6-a758-f955eb890cdc:148:38 )
at blob:http://localhost:8000/633ad653-1bd3-48c6-a758-f955eb890cdc:84:11
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (blob:http://localhost:8000/633ad653-1bd3-48c6-a758-f955eb890cdc:72:9 )
The Nightly thingy is unrelated.
Hi NasteX,
I’m happy to hear you were able to resolve this error. I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes.
February 22, 2019, 9:32am
@NasteX how did you got it to work?
February 28, 2019, 12:46pm
@Invius Sorry for late answer, I dont remember. Since this problem I have completely given up on HTML5.