[Urgent] Need help with Lyra's Character Rotation in Top-Down

FVector2D MousePosition;
	if (GetMousePosition(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y))
		FVector WorldLocation, WorldDirection;
		if (DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y, WorldLocation, WorldDirection))
			FVector EndPoint = WorldLocation + (WorldDirection * 10000); // Adjust the distance as needed
			FHitResult HitResult;
			GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(HitResult, WorldLocation, EndPoint, ECC_Visibility);
			FVector ReticleWorldPosition = HitResult.bBlockingHit ? HitResult.ImpactPoint : EndPoint;
			// Spawn or update your reticle Actor position here
			if (APlayerController* PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController())
				if (APawn* PlayerPawn = PlayerController->GetPawn())
					FVector PlayerLocation = PlayerPawn->GetActorLocation();
					FRotator PlayerRotation = PlayerPawn->GetActorRotation();
					FVector Direction = ReticleWorldPosition - PlayerLocation;

					// Create a rotation that looks from the player's position to the reticle's position
					FRotator LookAtRotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(ReticleWorldPosition - PlayerLocation).Rotator();

					// Calculate the yaw difference
					float YawDifference = LookAtRotation.Yaw - PlayerRotation.Yaw;

					// Normalize the yaw difference to the range [-180, 180]
					YawDifference = FMath::UnwindDegrees(YawDifference);
					Direction.Normalize();	// Ensure the direction vector is normalized

					DisplayReticle(ReticleWorldPosition, Direction.Rotation(), YawDifference);

Hello Everyone, I desperately need help with a small issue. I am trying to figure our how I can Lyra Starter Game work in top-down. I got Camera and Reticle working but one thing i am still struggling with.

I am unable to figure out how I can make turn-in place work based on which side the reticle is aiming. Can anyone please help me. As i’m not good enough with animation stuff, and Lyra’s animation system is kinda complex.

Thank You

I believe they implemented turn in place on lyra.

Id they did not, you need to do that.

Once you do, then you simply get the character to rotate based on the rotation angle maximum value (the value you are feeding to your AO).

Once it exceeds a certain range (probably 45deg max to allow smooth gameplay) you toggle the turn in place.

This is obviously super slow in gameplay, to the point most top down stuff removes it and simply gets the character to face head on / rotate with the cursor.

Lyra already has a turn in place but the problem is, the way they are handling root yaw offset. I’m unable to figure that out as to how I set it to work with my reticle position.

If turn in place is enabled, then it is habdled by the abimation curve that holds the rotation value to apply since it is all based on the animation itself.

You just need to tell it to toggle the turn in place anomation.