URGENT! Blank Map: HLODs bugged (validation rejection) Tool: Audit-Statistics Crash Engine. Blank map 20 FPS LAG TOD LIGHTING. All after Fortnite Update

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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  • Tested on multiple Blank Maps.
  • The Lag/Low FPS should not be incorporated into a blank map. I believe either the instancing of assets is bugged, or the TIME OF DAY / LIGHTING is comepletely overburdened and bugged.
  • HLODs bugged (validation rejection) Tool: Audit-Statistics Crash Engine. FPS on Blank map 20 FPS. All after Fortnite Update.
  • Push Changes: Network Connection Lost on brand new blank map.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create map. Create Standard landscape. Add a few prefabs. Maybe add Data assets or materials to some 3d Models.
  • Build HLOD Tools broken. Result in errors “Fix Validation”.
  • Tools-Audit-Statistics: Broken, crashes UEFN
  • FPS in Fortnite Client. 20fps.
  • Push Changes: Crashes Fortnite Client error Network Connection Lost.

Expected Result

Would expect HLODs to be a standard process for Unreal Engine.

  • Suggestion: Remove HLOD’s from the Validation process so that creators can work for now. Could be landscape LOD or Time of Day Manager lighting and materials, instanced Meshes bug, etc…
  • Suggestion: Look into Time of Day with world streaming as the lighting seems to be bugging out with only Time of Day turned on (A.k.a. Lights are set to 11 oclock (DAYTIME), but it is nightime in Fortnite Client) This is causing 20 FPS Lagging, and the solution in to add and delete light rigs and day sequences and toggle the (Time Of Day - World Settings) multiple tries before successfully spiking Frames Per Second thereby improving performance in the Fortnite Client.
  • Suggestion: Audit-Statistics Tool freezes upon selection. Maybe the lighting Time Of Day Manager is causing data overload on the engine and maxing out Video Memory.

Observed Result

  • Audit-Statistics Tool freezes upon selection
  • Lights are set to 11 oclock (DAYTIME), but it is nightime in Fortnite Client
  • HLODs bugged (validation rejection)


windows PC

Island Code


hi @PledgedRanger
There is a post on this
Fortnite Ecosystem v31.00 with Known Issues - General / Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

My initial testing on the UEFN Feature
Skydomes not working since new update V31.00 - General / Issues and Bug Reporting - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

Broke in 31.00

Day Sequence Starter Island Template | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)