Uppercut Games Presents Their Beautiful Adventure Game, Submerged, Aug 13th! - Live from Epic HQ!


Uppercut Games has released their new UE4 title, Submerged, on Steam, Playstation and XBox One. Submerged is an atmospheric adventure game that is combat-free and emphasizes exploration and visual storytelling. Andrew James, Ed Orman and Lancaster will be talking with us about the development of Submerged and what all went into creating their gorgeous world.

The August Game Jam Theme will also be revealed at the end of the stream!

All this plus the engine news, community spotlight, and more heading your way this Thursday.

Thursday, Aug 13 @ 2PM ET - Countdown]



Edit: The YouTube video is now available here](Submerged by Uppercut Games | Developer Interview | Unreal Engine - YouTube)

Got it marked on my calendar :slight_smile:

I watched your youtube video on this a while back, cant wait to see how far it has come