I’m on a , just upgraded to 4.4.1 and have tried creating a blank new project as well as a FPS Blueprint new project - in both cases, I just get a new UE4Editor process but no window, no menus, nothing. Need to Force Quit to make it go away.
Machine spec: 2.4GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB.
Is UE4.4.1 supposed to work on this? Is there any way to get logs or debug info? I just see a hung process when I try to open any project
Hey duva,
Sorry you’re having some trouble. Was everything working before upgrading to 4.4.1?
Please open Terminal app and enter this:
cd /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.4/Engine/Binaries/Mac/UE4Editor.app/Contents/MacOS
This should output some info to terminal window that may help us figure out what’s wrong. Thanks!
Yep, everything worked when I was on 4.0.1 - as soon as I upgraded to 4.4.1 no dice. terminal output here
, getting antsy - should I just try and wipe UE from my computer and start fresh or is there something you’d want to debug here?
output from terminal you attached is from running Unreal Engine.app, not UE4 editor. One correction to what wrote, though. If creating a project works, but opening project doesn’t, please try this:
cd /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.4/Engine/Binaries/Mac/UE4Editor.app/Contents/MacOS
./UE4Editor "<full path to your .uproject file>"
for example:
./UE4Editor "/Users/duva/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/MyProject.uproject"
dzimring-macbookpro:MacOS dzimring$ ./UE4Editor ~/Documents/Unreal\ Projects/MyProject/MyProject.uproject
2014-09-09 09:52:58.501 UE4Editor[66221:507] *** -[NSDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: count of objects (1) differs from count of keys (5)
Hmm. Not sure if that’ll help, but maybe try trashing some editor settings. Go to ~/Library/Preferences and delete com.epicgames.UE4Editor.plist
Also, you could try going to Library in Launcher and use Verify option on editor to make sure all files were downloaded correctly.
Also, we just released 4.4.2 update, maybe try updating? Thanks for your patience!
Upgraded to 4.4.2, launched engine, created new blueprint fps - same problem, fail. Verified 4.4.2 engine, it was fine. Closed everything, deleted ~/Library/Preferences and delete com.epicgames.UE4Editor.plist then relaunched 4.4.2, created a new blueprint fps and same deal, it hangs.
You could also try deleting UnrealEngine folder in ~/Library/Preferences, but I doubt that’d help. One more thing to try - when you open a project and editor hangs, open Activity Monitor, select UE4Editor process on list and use View->Sample Process, then save result to a text file.
If what you pasted earlier is whole output from running editor from command line, it means it hangs very early, most likely before it even tries to use project path in any way. And that’s very confusing given that without project path passed in an arg it launches and shows project browser window.
sample from unreal editor process
[ue4 proc sample][1]
sample from UE4EditorServices process
I’ve tried deleting ~/Library/Preferences. output provided earlier is complete output, nothing to add. I attached process samples, hoping there’s something I can do aside from reinstalling my entire OS to get up and running… ??
Tried to create a new blank project - same hang, complete command line output here:UE4-out-091214
Compiled from source and built a debug editor, same issue - complete console output attached UE4Editor-debug-output. Here’s what I suspect is relevant snippet:
[2014.09.13-15.18.48:349][ 0]LogUProjectInfo: Found projects:
[2014.09.13-15.18.48:557][ 0]LogLoad: Full Startup: 224.65 seconds (BP compile: 0.45 seconds)
[2014.09.13-15.18.48:632][ 0]LogCrashTracker: Crashtracker disabled due to settings.
[2014.09.13-15.18.49:327][ 15]LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 37.5667 seconds
[2014.09.13-18.44.26:553][306]LogGameProjectGeneration: Created new project with 4 files (plus project files)
[2014.09.13-18.44.26:583][307]Cmd: CLOSE_SLATE_MAINFRAME
[2014.09.13-18.44.26:757][308]Cmd: QUIT_EDITOR
[2014.09.13-18.44.26:969][308]LogExit: Preparing to exit.
[2014.09.13-18.44.28:137][308]LogExit: Editor shut down
[2014.09.13-18.44.28:138][308]LogExit: Transaction tracking system shut down
This is culprit:
2014-09-12 13:09:29.298 UE4Editor[21921:303] *** -[NSDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: count of objects (1) differs from count of keys (5)
Unfortunately, I don’t have any idea what could be causing this. Have you tried running it from Xcode? Maybe it’d stop at this place and show you what dictionary it is having problem with. Let me know if you need any help figuring out how to do things in Xcode. Thanks!
I did try XCode and tried breakpointing around that to see what was going on but haven’t found culprit. If there’s any backtraces, breakpoints or debug logs I can enable to help let me know.
I decided to download other versions of engine to see if any work:
4.4.3 - still broken
4.3.x - broken
4.0.2 - works
I’ll check 4.1 and 4.2 when I have a chance
This error seems to be a Cocoa exception, so maybe if you use Debug->Breakpoints->Create Exception Breakpoint it’ll break at this error?
Checked other versions, 4.1 is broken so 4.0.2 is only version working on this machine. I also tried creating a new account on machine and running there - same issue. I’ll try Exception Breakpoint next.
culprit is MacPlatformSplash.cpp:170 - if a Font is not loaded, Unreal crashes. Verdana-Bold was disabled, I enabled it and now projects launch.
(lldb) frame select 3
frame #3: 0x00000001002b5b62 UE4Editor-Core-Mac-Debug.dylib`-[UE4SplashView drawText:inRect:withAlignment:withColor:fontName:fontSize:](self=0x0000608002b3e320, _cmd=0x0000000100859976, Text=0x0000608000036000, Rect=, align=1, Color=0x0000608000254e80, FontName=0x0000000100881a70, FontSize=34) + 690 at MacPlatformSplash.cpp:170
167 NSMutableParagraphStyle style =[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
168 [style setAlignment : align];
→ 170 NSDictionary Dict =
171 [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:
172 [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
173 Color,
(lldb) po FontName