upgraded from 5.2 -> 5.5.1 and i no longer can make steam p2p session work

Hi! I upgraded from 5.2 → 5.5.1 and i no longer can make steam p2p session work. in 5.2 i had to introduce the followign workaround, but it seems as if it’s no longer working:
Session->SessionSettings.bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;
anyone know what do i need to do to have a workign steam p2p sessions?

Hi, I had the same problem. It seems epic changed something according to the steam session settings. There is a nice plugin called the advanced sessions plugin which you can find here:

This plugin has some extra functionality exposed to blueprints and the included a workaround extra for 5.5 to solve the steam sessions problem.

Thanks man, it worked.