April 10, 2022, 11:02pm
I tried deleting my post-process volume, no change. Anyone know the cause?
I would try setting motion blur amount and max to “0” in the details panel of the post process volume.
April 11, 2022, 12:11am
Hi, thanks for the tip.
I set both settings to zero and the blur effect persists, so I wonder if it’s coming from another source. It doesn’t look like the normal post-process motion blur. Again, this effect wasn’t visible in 4.26, so I’m assuming it has something to do with a change in 5.0.
April 11, 2022, 12:06pm
Looks like the same issue as this post:
All materials that use WPO for animation have this issue. For example, this is the Megascans trees , the ‘BlackAlder_Asset_Zoo’ map:
(It might not be fully visible on the compressed video, if so, please try downloading the mp4 file)
Is it a known issue? It’s quite hard to miss.
Update: Some materials seem to be ok, for example, my grass material in Dynamic Grass System. But my tree materials (and other Marketplace trees that I have) all have this smearing.dithering issue. I’m inves…
Looks a lot like pixel dithering or anti-aliasing ghosting.