Updating texture used in post processing with data on the GPU without copying to CPU and back.

Hello everyone, I hope this is the right place to ask this question,

I am currently trying to include the Nvidia OptiX framework via a Plugin into Unreal, but I’m a little stuck on executing a performant texture update each frame.

What I am currently (successfully) doing is this:

  1. OptiX uses the Unreal camera matrices, traces and renders its output each frame into an full-screen sized (OptiX) buffer on the GPU.
  2. Then, I map this output buffer, which consists of FColor values (or float depth values for an additional depth buffer) and update the Unreal Texture2D (in the render thread) via:

RHICmdList.UpdateTexture2D(OutputTextureColorRef, 0, TextureRegion, Width * 4, (uint8*)OptiXData);

  1. The respective textures are used in a post process material and blended over the standard scene each frame.

All of this works as expected. What surprised me now is that the OptiX full screen trace takes almost less time than the mapping and updating part, especially when using a VR headset.
I am assuming that this is because the data gets copied to the CPU and then straight back into the texture buffer on the GPU again when updating the texture.

Now, my question is: Can this copy somehow be avoided? I see two possibilities but am completely lost on how viable they actually are:

  1. Use the Unreal Texture2D and somehow get a native pointer to the memory on the GPU, and tell OptiX to write its output into this memory. Is the former part even possible here?
  2. Copy the data in the OptiX buffer directly into the memory of the Texture2D without going through a CPU copy. OptiX has no direct interoperability with DirectX textures, but CUDA can be used as a bridge here. Is it possible to directly update the underlying resource of an Unreal Texture2D here?

My knowledge about GPU Memory Management and how Unreal does it is sadly very limited - I would be really glad if someone here could help me out.
Alternatively I thought about just using the new DXR functionality directly, but the current implementation in Unreal seems to be limited still, especially considering VR devices.

Thanks in advance,

Updating this in case someone else has this issue, or further suggestions:

I managed to find a workaround which seems promising so far.

I managed to create a CUDA plugin for UE4 which gives access to any CUDA functions, including their DirectX interoperability. This was a bit of an issue as there seem to be some conflict with the OptiX data types, but I eventually got it working.

Then, I use the CUDA memory copy functionality to link and update the RHI directX texture of the post processing material directly on the GPU. This has the advantage of being able to directly use the built-in interoperability between CUDA, OptiX and DirectX.

I need to do a few more updates and performance tests, will keep posting here in case anyone else is interested in this.

Hi David,

I’m working on a project where I need to get decoded video data from CUDA into an Unreal Texture. I’m struggling with the final link between CUDA and the Texture2D.
Could you please share the lines of code that you are using to update the RHI DirectX texture with CUDAs memcpy function.

Thanks a lot,

Yeah sure, I got it working pretty efficiently. I’m currently not at home, but will try and remember to post it later today.

If I haven’t posted it until tomorrow, send me a dm to remind me.

Okay here we go:

My resources are registered on the game thread via the following dx/cuda calls, after begin play has been called - code isn’t perfectly clean but you should get the idea:


    * Viewport width and height
    int32 Width;
    int32 Height;

    * Right eye color texture used for post processing. Cuda copies the optix results into this texture.
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> OutputTexture;
    * Right eye depth texture used for post processing. Cuda copies the optix results into this texture.
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> DepthTexture;

    * Left eye color texture used for post processing. Cuda copies the optix results into this texture.
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> OutputTexture2;
    * Left eye depth texture used for post processing. Cuda copies the optix results into this texture.
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> DepthTexture2;

    * Ortho pass texture used for post processing. Cuda copies the optix results into this texture.
    * The ortho pass is used for single eye orthogonal rendering.
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> OutputTextureOrtho;
    TWeakObjectPtr<UTexture2D> DepthTextureOrtho;

    * Cuda graphic resources associated with the corresponding unreal textures.
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceDepthLeft;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceDepthRight;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceColorLeft;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceColorRight;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceIntersections;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceColorOrtho;
    cudaGraphicsResource* CudaResourceDepthOrtho;

    * Cuda memory allocated and used to copy the optix results into the direct x textures.
    float* CudaLinearMemoryDepth;
    float4* CudaLinearMemoryColor;
    void* CudaLinearMemoryIntersections;

    * Cuda resource array used for easy mapping. Duplicate to above direct pointers.
    cudaGraphicsResource *Resources[7];

Unreal texture init:

void FOptiXContextManager::InitRendering()

    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Initializing Rendering in ContextManager"));

    // Are we using an HMD?
    if (GEngine->XRSystem.IsValid() && GEngine->XRSystem->GetHMDDevice() != nullptr)
        UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Got HMD in ContextManager"));

        bWithHMD = GEngine->XRSystem->GetHMDDevice()->IsHMDEnabled();
        UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Running without HMD in ContextManager"));

        bWithHMD = false;

    // Viewport size:
    FViewport* CurrentViewport = GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport;

    Width = CurrentViewport->GetSizeXY().X / 2.0;
    Height = CurrentViewport->GetSizeXY().Y;

    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Got viewport sizes: %i, %i"), Width, Height);
    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Warning, TEXT("Full Res: %i %i"), Width * 2, Height);

    // Apparently those can be 0 in a packaged build?
    // Catch that case:
    if (Width == 0 || Height == 0)
        UGameUserSettings* GameSettings = GEngine->GetGameUserSettings();
        Width = GameSettings->GetScreenResolution().X;
        Height = GameSettings->GetScreenResolution().Y;
        UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Fallback to viewport size in settings: %i, %i"), Width, Height);

    // Create the textures:

    OutputTexture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_A32B32G32R32F);
    //// Allocate the texture HRI

    DepthTexture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_R32_FLOAT);
    //// Allocate the texture HRI

    if (bWithHMD)
        OutputTexture2 = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_A32B32G32R32F);
        //// Allocate the texture HRI

        DepthTexture2 = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_R32_FLOAT);
        //// Allocate the texture HRI

        OutputTextureOrtho = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_A32B32G32R32F);
        //// Allocate the texture HRI

        DepthTextureOrtho = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Width, Height, PF_R32_FLOAT);
        //// Allocate the texture HRI

    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Created the Textures"));

    // Laser Texture
    LaserIntersectionTexture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(LaserBufferWidth, LaserBufferHeight, PF_A32B32G32R32F); // TODO Hardcoded values
    //// Allocate the texture HRI

    // Set up the material

    // Load the materials
    RegularMaterial = LoadObject<UMaterial>(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT("Material'/OptiX/PPMaterials/TextureMaterial.TextureMaterial'"));
    VRMaterial = LoadObject<UMaterial>(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT("Material'/OptiX/PPMaterials/TextureMaterialVR.TextureMaterialVR'"));
    LaserMaterial = LoadObject<UMaterial>(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT("Material'/OptiX/Laser/LaserMaterial.LaserMaterial'"));
    LaserMaterialDynamic = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(LaserMaterial.Get(), GetTransientPackage(), "DynamicLaserMaterial");

    LaserMaterialDynamic->SetTextureParameterValue("IntersectionTexture", LaserIntersectionTexture.Get());
    LaserMaterialDynamic->SetScalarParameterValue("Lines", 50);
    LaserMaterialDynamic->SetScalarParameterValue("Segments", 20);

    if(RegularMaterial == nullptr || VRMaterial == nullptr)
        UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Error, TEXT("Couldn't load dummy Material!"));

    if (bWithHMD)
        DynamicMaterial = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(VRMaterial.Get(), GetTransientPackage(), "DynamicVRMaterial");
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("TextureRight", OutputTexture.Get());
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("DepthRight", DepthTexture.Get());
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("TextureLeft", OutputTexture2.Get());
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("DepthLeft", DepthTexture2.Get());

        DynamicMaterialOrtho = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(RegularMaterial.Get(), GetTransientPackage(), "DynamicNonVRMaterial");
        DynamicMaterialOrtho->SetTextureParameterValue("Texture", OutputTextureOrtho.Get());
        DynamicMaterialOrtho->SetTextureParameterValue("Depth", DepthTextureOrtho.Get());

        DynamicMaterial = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(RegularMaterial.Get(), GetTransientPackage(), "DynamicNonVRMaterial");
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("Texture", OutputTexture.Get());
        DynamicMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue("Depth", DepthTexture.Get());

Cuda Init:

void FOptiXContextManager::InitCUDADX()

    // Setup DX:


    // Depth
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureDepthLeft = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(DepthTexture2->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceDepthLeft, D3D11TextureDepthLeft->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureDepthRight = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(DepthTexture->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceDepthRight, D3D11TextureDepthRight->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
    // Color
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureColorLeft = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(OutputTexture2->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceColorLeft, D3D11TextureColorLeft->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureColorRight = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(OutputTexture->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceColorRight, D3D11TextureColorRight->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
    // Intersection

        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureIntersections = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(LaserIntersectionTexture->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceIntersections, D3D11TextureIntersections->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);

    // Ortho
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureOrthoDepth = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(DepthTextureOrtho->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceDepthOrtho, D3D11TextureOrthoDepth->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
        FD3D11TextureBase* D3D11TextureOrthoOutput = GetD3D11TextureFromRHITexture(OutputTextureOrtho->Resource->TextureRHI);
        cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&CudaResourceColorOrtho, D3D11TextureOrthoOutput->GetResource(), cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);

    cudaMalloc((void**)&CudaLinearMemoryDepth, Width * Height * sizeof(float) * 2);

    cudaMalloc((void**)&CudaLinearMemoryColor, Width * Height * 4 * sizeof(float) * 2);

    cudaMalloc(&CudaLinearMemoryIntersections, LaserBufferWidth * LaserBufferHeight * 4 * sizeof(float));

    NativeContext"result_depth"]->getBuffer()->setDevicePointer(0, CudaLinearMemoryDepth);
    NativeContext"result_color"]->getBuffer()->setDevicePointer(0, CudaLinearMemoryColor);
    NativeContext"result_laser"]->getBuffer()->setDevicePointer(0, CudaLinearMemoryIntersections);

    FString DeviceName = FString(NativeContext->getDeviceName(0).c_str());

    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Device Count: %i"), NativeContext->getDeviceCount());
    UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Display, TEXT("Device Name 0: %s"), *DeviceName);

    Resources[0] = CudaResourceDepthLeft;
    Resources[1] = CudaResourceColorLeft;
    Resources[2] = CudaResourceDepthRight;
    Resources[3] = CudaResourceColorRight;
    Resources[4] = CudaResourceIntersections;
    Resources[5] = CudaResourceColorOrtho;
    Resources[6] = CudaResourceDepthOrtho;

And the actual interesting part, the texture update. This is called on the render thread in my case to deal with VR late update shenanigans. If you don’t care about those,
you can execute this on the game thread as well, but it requires completely different syntax.

void FOptiXContextManager::LaunchStandardTrace(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSceneViewFamily& InViewFamily)

        if (bEndPlayReceived)

    if (InViewFamily.Views.Num() < 2)

    // Get the views for the respective eyes:
    EStereoscopicPass LeftEye = EStereoscopicPass::eSSP_LEFT_EYE;
    EStereoscopicPass RightEye = EStereoscopicPass::eSSP_RIGHT_EYE;

    const FSceneView& LeftEyeView = InViewFamily.GetStereoEyeView(LeftEye);
    const FSceneView& RightEyeView = InViewFamily.GetStereoEyeView(RightEye);

    // Set the required matrices
    NativeContext"invViewProjectionLeft"]->setMatrix4x4fv(true, &LeftEyeView.ViewMatrices.GetInvViewProjectionMatrix().M[0][0]);
    NativeContext"viewProjectionLeft"]->setMatrix4x4fv(true, &LeftEyeView.ViewMatrices.GetViewProjectionMatrix().M[0][0]);
    NativeContext"invViewProjectionRight"]->setMatrix4x4fv(true, &RightEyeView.ViewMatrices.GetInvViewProjectionMatrix().M[0][0]);
    NativeContext"viewProjectionRight"]->setMatrix4x4fv(true, &RightEyeView.ViewMatrices.GetViewProjectionMatrix().M[0][0]);

            // Execute the actual trace
            NativeContext->launch(0, Width, Height);
        // Check cuda resources for NULL. Shouldn't be needed as they *should* never be NULL.
        if (Resources[0] == NULL || Resources[1] == NULL || Resources[2] == NULL || Resources[3] == NULL)
            UE_LOG(OptiXContextManagerLog, Error, TEXT("CUDA Resources are NULL"));

        // Map the four graphics resources corresponding to color, depth for both eyes.
        cudaGraphicsMapResources(4, Resources, 0);

        // Map the left eye color resource to a cudaArray
        cudaArray *CuArrayColorLeft;
        cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&CuArrayColorLeft, CudaResourceColorLeft, 0, 0);

        // Copy the result of the optix 2D color buffer into the mapped array.
        // As both passes are written into the same buffer, this copies only the first half corresponding to the left eye.
            CuArrayColorLeft, // dst array
            0, 0,    // offset
            CudaLinearMemoryColor, Width * 4 * sizeof(float),       // src
            Width * 4 * sizeof(float), Height, // extent
            cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); // kind

        // Copy Color Right
        cudaArray *CuArrayColorRight;
        cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&CuArrayColorRight, CudaResourceColorRight, 0, 0);

        // Copy the result of the optix 2D color buffer into the mapped array.
        // As this copies the into the right eye, the buffer pointer needs to be offset by (Height * Width)
        // to copy the second half.
            CuArrayColorRight, // dst array
            0, 0,    // offset
            CudaLinearMemoryColor + (Height * Width), Width * 4 * sizeof(float),       // src
            Width * 4 * sizeof(float), Height, // extent
            cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); // kind

        // Copy Depth Left
        cudaArray *CuArrayDepthLeft;
        cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&CuArrayDepthLeft, CudaResourceDepthLeft, 0, 0);

            CuArrayDepthLeft, // dst array
            0, 0,    // offset
            CudaLinearMemoryDepth, Width * sizeof(float),       // src
            Width * sizeof(float), Height, // extent
            cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); // kind

        // Copy Depth Right
        cudaArray *CuArrayDepthRight;
        cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&CuArrayDepthRight, CudaResourceDepthRight, 0, 0);

            CuArrayDepthRight, // dst array
            0, 0,    // offset
            CudaLinearMemoryDepth + (Height * Width), Width * sizeof(float),       // src
            Width * sizeof(float), Height, // extent
            cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); // kind

        cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(4, Resources, 0);


Hi David,
thanks you for sharing your code. It gave me the final hint to get it working.
