So, I released my third map. (Desert Oasis Red Vs. Blue 8880-6951-5635) It was much more popular than my other two (Yay!) but when I tried playing it in pub matches, I found some pretty nasty bugs. Cue the frantic bug fixing for four days. According to my analytics I had 4,700 players the 25th and 56 the 29th. I believe this was caused by my frantic updating; I pushed 6 updates between the 26th and 28th. Since I stopped updating my map, it has started to recover and benefit from my perfectionism; the daily players and retention SEEM to be steadily climbing.
But since I saw the Reddit topic regarding this a couple weeks ago, I thought I’d throw in my map ID so if someone is digging up data you can use mine. I updated a lot over a short period and that might help you figure out whether the bug existed or if thousands of people really had such a bad time playing my map they decided to never go back.
I mean, anything’s possible.