Updating a packaged game with chunks, how to know which pak changed?

I am using pak files and chunks with primary asset labels, all work fine except:

-When i package a new version of my application in a new folder, the sizes of most of the packages changes

Also i did try with the Project launcher to create release & patch profile:
-when packaging with the patch profile, ALL my paks have _P at the end
I was expecting to only see updated packages?

More strange, when comparing the folders with a software, the only pak that should be different (the asset i did update) have the same size, but binary file seems to be changed!

Can anyone explain how they manage updates please?

So it seems unreal is changing the load order of the files in a pack to optimize opening speed
If you do not specify an order, i will use the data you generate when working in editor/play
Disabling it for now fixes part of the issue but i still had packages change in size:

After that i did find by comparing 2 paks that some .ushader files did change…
Enabling “Deterministic shader code order” did improve but did not get rid of all the issues so i did disable “Share Material code” for now.
It seems to do it, i will run more tests