I am using pak files and chunks with primary asset labels, all work fine except:
-When i package a new version of my application in a new folder, the sizes of most of the packages changes
Also i did try with the Project launcher to create release & patch profile:
-when packaging with the patch profile, ALL my paks have _P at the end
I was expecting to only see updated packages?
More strange, when comparing the folders with a software, the only pak that should be different (the asset i did update) have the same size, but binary file seems to be changed!
So it seems unreal is changing the load order of the files in a pack to optimize opening speed
If you do not specify an order, i will use the data you generate when working in editor/play
Disabling it for now fixes part of the issue but i still had packages change in size:
After that i did find by comparing 2 paks that some .ushader files did change…
Enabling “Deterministic shader code order” did improve but did not get rid of all the issues so i did disable “Share Material code” for now.
It seems to do it, i will run more tests