Update Skylight


I’m new to UE4 and enjoy it very much. I want to update the skylight in my Level Blueprint, as I haven’t found another option to change the variables of the skylight. Useing Event Tick would result in a remarkably framerate drop since it is a heavy operation to update the skylight.

So I added the delay node right after the Event Tick. The issue is now that my sun light doesn’t move smooth.

So I thought I could use Event Tick for the sun light and Event Begin Play+While Loop for the sky light. Unfortunatly I can’t start the game to test it, I assume there is an error which I can’t find.


You can use Event Tick for the sun and a Timer for skylight updates. Let me know if you dont know how to setup a timer and i’ll try to post a screenshot.

Ah of course! Thank you very much. But I assume this could get really quick out of hand and complicated.

Oh, this is the Timer i was talking about.
Dont let the whole thing confuse you. All you need is a Set Timer node and a Custom Event. Plug the set timer to Event Begin Play and put the name of your custom event in it, then set the time value you want it to execute > set it to Loop> plug your custom event to update skylight and done.

Got it! Thank you!