Update actors when saving asset

I’ve created a custom asset from a custom object of mine (UUnit for the matter), which i can also spawn an actor from when dragging from the content browser to the viewport. This object contains a path to the static mesh for the actor factory to use.
I have an actor factory that creates a AUnitActor when you drag the asset to the viewport.

What I want is that when someone changes the property of that asset, all actors that were spawned from it will change their values (e.g. change the static mesh)
I’ve found the UPackage::PackageSavedEvent which broadcasts when a package is saved, but i can’t figure out how to find the values of the object from the UPackage I receieve as a parameter (cast from UObject) and subsequently, how to find the actors that were created from it.

Help appreciated!

Wouldn’t all that stuff update if you just reload the map?