Upcoming Dev kit 206.2 Update !

Thanks for the support. While I cant speak for everyone, the lack of updates comes with the territory. Everyone should understand that even if they don’t like it. The lack of communication is what concerns me. Too busy to drop a post on the forums saying “Hey it will be another few days, ran into some issues with the kit” is hard to accept.

Thanks again!

Edit: Especially when all I’m being asked on the server and for people running my mod is when is X going to be updated. Would be nice to tell them a week or so instead of ??? lol

I contacted wildcard about that issue (communication).

It is clearly the main concern on the forum right now :slight_smile:

It was humor… as in a joke… as in break the silence.

Why you would even think this was toxic to the community boggles my mind.

Actually calling me toxic is toxic to the community… just saying.

now now kids lets all calm down, the patch will come when it comes and not a second sooner, Recently they have (most likely) been to pax, had a tournoment, new gamemode, changed datacenters, got a new datacenter in asia and several new content patches for ark. They have been busy so give them some time :slight_smile:

Toxic was clearly a poorly chosen word. I apologize.

I edited my previous statement, i clearly did not mean that as an insult.

What i called ‘Toxic’ is the behaviour, not you or anyone else making such comments.

I feel like people need to calm down a bit, there is no need to post every day about the dev kit not being updated. we already contacted the devs about that and we only need to be patient.

I’m happy to hear about the update and I’m also happy to hear that you are working on with the communication. I completely understand that Wildcard has tons of stuff to do and updating the devkit is not the main priority. As have been pointed out in this topic already, I too would be fine with simple communication on the forums. I’m not asking for exact days or anything like that. Simply keeping us “up to date” every now and then with the stuff happening is enough for me.

Thanks again for all the hard work with the game and the devkit~

Why not 206?

The update might be 206 by now :slight_smile: Even if it’s not, the new feature will make your mod made in the 205 dev kit compatible with 206.

This is exactly what we need right now.
We understand that there might be some issues with the dev kit so delay is ok, but at least lets us know the time range (like a 1, 2 days, a week, etc - just do a rough estimate and extend it if needed - we’re mod maker so we understand the meaning of ETA so dont worry lolz ). Will help us a lot as we dont need to go to this post every hour and click refresh

Is there ever going to be more added to the Documentation? Would be nice to have some points writtendown like Snap Points ect so we dont have to play a guessing game for 2 days? Also Snap Flags still am confused to how they work? (I get almost to the point where i Figure it out then bam somehting new comes along and changes my whole idea on them).

Yeah Snap Points and Flags still confuse me a lot. Would be nice to see a tutorial or something about it.

Thank God its not just me then, Was starting to feel extra stuiped and nearly bout to give up soon, Just cant wrap my mind around where the **** they get these numbers from and how do we bloody create our own snap points/flags for new structures we have made?

We recently gave the devs a little list of most wanted features from future updates, better documentation was the first thing we asked :slight_smile:

Yay couldnt be happier, Cheers for passing it on for us , Sweet cant wait even more now. :slight_smile:

When it will be online now? Several days already, but nothing happened.

did we get a progress report or something?

kinda excited but just twiddling my thumbs waiting :slight_smile:

Any update would be appreciated. I am at a stand still until the ADK is updated.

Yep i have essentially hit the point where i legit am finding it hard to go further with my mod untill an update comes out.

Yeah I’m am in the same position. I can’t do anything else until the new update comes out.

A simple, “its going to be another hour,day,week” would suffice.