Unsure of how to fix first person walking

Recently I decided to try out UE4 to make a small game which includes first person walking. I followed this tutorial:
to see if I could recreate first person walking in my game. I followed the steps correctly and I got WASD movement working, but I noticed a small “bug” where the more I look up or down, the slower my characters moves. As I mentioned above, I am still fairly new to UE4 so I am not sure of a fix to this. If you could, try to follow the steps in the link and see if you get the same results as me. If you can find a fix, posting below would be very helpful, and if this odd “bug” does not happen to you, telling me below would be helpful aswell, thanks.

Sounds like you use the complete Forward Vector of your control rotation, this also include the look up rotation but for the forward movement you just need the left/right rotation. Do you use this code snippet for your forward movement, because the last part “.GetScaledAxis” is important.

FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(Controller->GetControlRotation()).GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);

Yeah I use that, Im not too sure what it does either, like I said Im only copying this code off of the tutorial site to educate myself with it later