Unset state after loosing trace

i am using “LineTraceByChannel” in a blueprint to check, if an object is hit. If hit, i set the emissive color to a new value. How can i change back that value to default, when loosing my trace on the object?

I think it’s your second question:

After i set the emissive value (e.g. to “1”) and the trace-function looses focus on the object, the object-emissive-value stays on “1”. What i want is, that after loosing focus, the emissive-value should go back to “0”.

It’s like a little hover-effect on interactive objects. They should show the player which objects are interactable.

you store the value in a variable before you set the temporary emissive color and set it again when you loose the trace?

Or is the question "how can i trigger something when there is no trace anymore?