Hi, I followed this guide for converting my Blueprint project to C++.
All went well until the last step (build Development project in Visual Studio) when I get ‘unresolved external symbol’ errors all related (afaict) to UUserWidget.
This previous answer talks about removing “MinimalAPI” metadata from WidgetComponent.h, but I cannot find any references to it. Relevant lines in WidgetComponent.h:
UCLASS(Blueprintable, ClassGroup="UserInterface", hidecategories=(Object,Activation,"Components|Activation",Sockets,Base,Lighting,LOD,Mesh), editinlinenew, meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
class UMG_API UWidgetComponent : public UMeshComponent
It also involves editing the engine’s source code, which isn’t ideal.
One comment by AskNinja says "change UWidgetComponent.h to use the UMG_API " which I don’t know how to do.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Edit: attached error log