Unresolved external symbol on FVoiceModule

I am attempting to use the Voice module of UE with little success. I am left with unresolved symbols (“unresolved external symbol”, inability to find the symbol in any linked library as I understand it), all stemming from FVoiceModule.

I added “Voice” to the PublicDependencyModuleNames field of *.Build.cs file for the project, as instructed by other sources. In order to have the headers show up properly I also had to add “Voice/Public” to PublicIncludePaths.

Will someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am only just starting out with UE and coming from CMake.

I ran into this same error in UE5, but I fixed it by making sure all of my FVoiceModule variables were either a reference or a pointer. Also, make sure the voice module is enabled by adding this to your DefaultEngine.ini:
