Unresolved External Symbol LNK2019&LNK2001

So I have been able to fix all my other problems through this course by looking it up on google or here so far. I have finally come to a point where I literally have tried all of those things, and every “solution” i have tried relating to this issue has not fixed it. So i have deleted my binaries and recreated them as suggested by others, which fixed most of intellisense issues (none of these stopped me from compiling or building they were just annoying) but now i am still back to square one with this same issue.

Here are some pictures of the error i am constantly getting, please if anyone has any idea what i should do to fix this or even the right direction to look towards i would really appreciate it. I have spent a couple days trying to figure this out now, and nothing seems to work. Thank you.

This is the error.

Here is my code.




I had to add the rest of the code in another comment.

TankPlayerController.CPP Continued


Well I gave up on trying to figure out what was wrong with it all, and just went back to some older commits. I did not really find out what i did wrong, since my code now works fine after repeating the same steps i did with this. It could have been a version update issue, or maybe i am thinking something to do with my HitLocation and OutHitLocation lines. Anyways its all fixed now.