Unresolved exterernals while making new node (Serialize).


I want to make a new node type to my plugin. My class looks very similar to SoundNode.h:


… and inside USoundNode, we have:

virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar) override;

When I trying to compile my plugin, everything is fine, but while creating UE4Editor-MyPlugin-Win64-DebugGame.lib, error occurs:

>error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl FStripDataFlags::FStripDataFlags(class FArchive &,unsigned char,int)" (??0FStripDataFlags@@QEAA@AEAVFArchive@@EH@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl UMyNode::Serialize(class FArchive &)" (?Serialize@UMyNode@@UEAAXAEAVFArchive@@@Z)

Does anyone know, how to solve that? My class declaration looks like this:

UCLASS(abstract, hidecategories = Object, editinlinenew)
class MYPLUGIN_API UMyNode : public UObject