I have been attempting to export the Kinect Face Basics-D2D code into an Unreal Project. However, upon building the code Visual Studio fails to build, stating “error code: OtherCompilationError (5)”. Analysing the output log indicates that this is due to an unrecognized type “IBody” in the given “Kinect.h” file; namely, on the following line:
virtual void UpdateBodyData(IBody** ppBodies);
Said line has the following error: “Unrecognized type ‘IBody’ - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM”
I attempted to change the declaration of IBody in “Kinect.h” to a USTRUCT by modifying the declaration:
IBody: public IUnknown
//member declaration after this - UNMODIFIED FROM KINECT.H
However, this still results in the same error. Has anyone experienced this or a similar error before, or would anyone be able to shed any light on this problem?