Hello, last Thursday, when starting unreal editor, I got the screen that says “we are limiting the rate of users”
that stayed on far longer then I’ve seen it before ( about 5 minutes). And ever since then, Unreal VR games no longer load onto my Vive headset. Everything has been working fine for several years, and suddenly, now it doesn’t.
I first noticed the problem when vr preview in editor was not loading into the vive headset . However it was able to load into the oculus head set. I was able to get vr preview working again in vive hmd in the editor by turning off the oculus plugin. (which had been on and been working fine for months and months)
However, outside of the editor, now packaged unreal games, both local builds as well as unreal created games on steam, no longer load correctly into the vive hmd. The game will start but not pop into the headset. Although they seem to work fine on oculus headset. And other games on steam ( not created with unreal) still load fine.
So I’m not really sure what the problem is, but it seems to be Unreal specific. Does anyone have any ideas about what could have gotten changed that would cause only unreal created games to no longer load to the vive?
Thanks for any advice!