Unreal tries to build my third party library

Hi all!
I try to add a third-party library to my Unreal project, I am fairly new to Unreal so there could be some settings I am missing but the behavior is weird. I am using unreal 5.1

The library that I am trying to add is Spout https://github.com/leadedge/Spout2. I know there is a plugin for that but it has bad performance for my use case so I want to implement it myself to see if I can optimize anything.

I have added the third-party library as a module and I got it to work after a while, however when I turn off my computer and started it the next day it does not longer work. This happened twice when I turned off the computer for the day and continued the next day. The error I get is:
and if pressed yes:

It feels like unreal tries to build my module instead of including its lib and dll file. My build.cs file is:

public class Spout : ModuleRules

    public Spout(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        Type = ModuleType.External;

        // Add any include paths for the plugin
        PublicIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "ThirdParty"));

        // Add any import libraries or static libraries
        PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "ThirdParty", "SpoutLibrary.lib"));

        RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "Binaries/Win64/SpoutLibrary.dll"));


I have also added my module to my uproject file as this:

"Name": "Spout",
"Type": "Runtime",
"LoadingPhase": "Default"

My file structure in the Source folder is:
My_Module(Game folder)
(All other files)

It is very weird that it works and then the next day it does not without any changes to the code. I have also tried setting up a new project and made it work, committed that state to git, and then made changes so it did not work anymore. When I reset it back to the working commit it does not work anymore. It feels like there is some state in Unreal that ignore my Type = ModuleType.External; flag.

Any suggestions?