There is an initial Datasmith exporter for blender:
It’s still missing some features, but seems to be in the right direction.
There is an initial Datasmith exporter for blender:
It’s still missing some features, but seems to be in the right direction.
Hey @Mabatim It seems that you found the ongoing work I’m doing on exporting to datasmith format.
I just wanted to clear up to anyone coming up to this post that I am currently working on it, and it is still missing some features that I consider critical, so that’s why I haven’t publicly announced it, just to avoid people reporting issues about features evidently missing.
Having that said, you people from the future are more than welcome to try it out, star the project and subscribe to this thread. You can also join the Discord server listed in the project readme.
Please if you try it, let me know what do you think about it.
PS: If you feel like supporting the project right now, you can support me on Patreon, I would be deeply thankful for that. You can find more info in the project readme at GitHub - 0xafbf/blender-datasmith-export: Blender addon to export UE4 Datasmith format
Edit: Oooops it looks like the info was already posted. My bad.
is developing an addon: watch?v=
There is a download link in the text under the vid. I used it for the first time yesterday on 2.8 and it works fine. I cant figure out how to export only selected or visible items from the Blender scene yet but for the rest it is working.
I think you should support him with more than just APIs. This is a clear cut Epic Megagrant funding receiver if I ever saw one. Everyone will benefit from this.
Thank you for doing this, it’s super impressive. Please submit your work to the Epic Megagrants. I don’t see how the Fortnite money they’re so desperate to spend could be better used!
Just want to add my support for blender + unreal engine support also … I started using blender 2.8 about 6 months ago and I almost never open Maya anymore … blender is a game changer once you spend a few weeks using it. I am going to use blender anyway even without the ability to export scenes like you can in cinema 3d now. I can put models and pbr textures together faster with blender than I can with Maya so no going back now. Thanks unreal for the massive cash grant to blender ! To the future.
I saw that there hasn’t been much development lately in the repository that his Youtube video linked to. Is this project still being worked on by him (in a different repository perhaps?), has the Unreal dev team (or Blender Foundation, after the grant) taken over with its development, or has it died? I’m still really interested in using this. Any updates on this project whatsoever?
The guy is a student with a part time job doing this in what little spare time he has with zero support from anyone else so far.
I hope someone with knowledge (or money) steps up and lends a hand at some point.
In UE version 4.24.0, there’s a built-in plugin called “Datasmith glTF Importer”. (Not to be confused with the other “glTF Importer” that’s in Beta and developed by Khronos directly, which was broken last time I checked.) You can now export a .glTF file from Blender and import to UE using the familiar Datasmith interface. It seems to support the Principled BDSF shader as well in the limited testing I’ve done so far. Not sure how far it goes beyond supporting the metalness & roughness values.
I was able to export a complex model from Revit to Blender using FBX and bring this into UE via glTF/Datasmith without issue and generate lightmaps.
Years go by, megagrants are given, yet no datasmith for blender. It doesn’t make much sense to me.
Any plans on that folks ?
Hey there,love the work you’re doing on all the free stuff etc…the next step should absolutely be blender datasmith,it really is a pain to create,reconvert,bake,and all that uselss stuff
especially materials,also it seems like I can’t export particles (hair) in an fbx without crashing the hell out of blender. I tried to convert them to meshes, import them in UE4 and…it crashes all the time,don’t know why.
I’m working with pretty hipoly stuff,mainly for adv stills (i know,pretty weird,but i see a future for that in Unreal!)
is there any type of such workflow for Unity? Like Blender to Unity. So sad that there’s no datasmith solution for blender. But maybe it’s a question to Blender…
Hi all
are there any news about datasmith for blender?
There is the plugin to export from blender directly into the engine.
Epic Games releases official Blender to Unreal Engine tools | CG Channel