The developer is delayed on working on this, he hasn’t given me an ETA as to when it will be available. We’ve provided him with the Datasmith APIs, so we’re hoping we’ll see something soon. He’s done some experiments already.
Absolutely would love to see this, glad to see it’s happening
Does this mean that Blender integration will require Datasmith and Unreal Studio? With its future subscription fees, that won’t be good news for small, independent developers.
Why not worry about that IF we ever charge for it?
It says it is already there Blender to Unreal via Datasmith or is it in developement ? (I found this in Unreal Studio download page)
i am working with blender many years and making interiors viz. and i love it. and i also love UE4 for its power. i totally would love to see a datasmith plugin for blender
The way I see it, that chart actually shows the exact opposite. That for those mentioned packages, the intention is for data exchange to not go through Datasmith. That being said, I have very high hopes for GLTF. It’s a great format which once finished should allow you to transfer data between UE4 and DCC packages, including Blender, very efficiently. Preserving PBR materials and such.
You are correct. What you say is accurate for the current timeframe, and Wincent82…thank you for pointing out that the graphic is inaccurate. The data flow for these formats should not be seen flowing through the Datasmith plugin, but directly into the Unreal Engine instead. We’ll look into fixing the graphic.
That said, we do intend eventually to support additional software like these via the Datasmith importer.
Thanks for reply. Ofcourse, I would also love to see Datasmith for Blender to UE4 in action if this are the forecasts, I’m looking forward
3ds Max squashes Sketchup in capability however in the architecture (mainly) industry there is a lack of talent with 3ds Max, and with Sketchup’s ease of learning, companies tend to gravitate there.
yes… blender to unreal please.
I’ll throw in my studio’s vote as well for Blender support - though I will add that I’d like to see direct Blender support in general for UE4, not just Datasmith.
In Unity, for example, Blender is supported by silently calling the Blender FBX exporter with the right parameters and importing the temporary FBX. Unreal, IMHO, though has a huge potential opportunity with Blender users - the Blender Game Engine was recently officially killed off and with UE4 source code being available (even if its not “open source”) having direct Blender support would be huge within that community I think. Especially with Blender 2.8 hype I personally see Blender being used more and more in professional settings.
I am waiting too.
Any updates good or bad on the development?
If you’re struggling to find/keep a developer on it perhaps Epic could become one of the Corporate sponsors and get a dev or two working on it that way.
What is the level of interest for this? I did something very similar for Luxrender in the past and I have a good chunk of the udsmesh format nailed down. Look pretty easy. Also why not go with an open source alternative like glTF for the mesh and an xml like datasmith does for the placement. Would probably allow for a much better workflow.
hey guys, any update on this? I’d be very willing to pay for a Blender’s Datasmith version.
Hi there
We are considering it, but right now, we’re putting all our effort on 3ds Max, Cinema 4D , IFC,Archicad and Revit so we don’t have commitment on Blender
I’m not sure how well that would go down with small independent developers, who are the most likely to use Blender…
Any updates on that topic?
just a mad idea, since blender is free open source, it could be somehow ported to use it like some default editor inside unreal, could there be a fork of blender inside UE - feels like that would be a game changer, forget about eeve and instead render in UE…