So i have been having a god ■■■■ war with multiplayer connections recently, got it working pretty well at one point, then something changed and it’s all gone ■■■■-up again… im super tired but i will link my images of the broken blueprints, if anyone has any idea at all, please let me know.
So… everything works perfectly on the server game, however only half of the things transfer to clients…
Both of those custom events are set to run on server, the player character has the tag of “Character” and all of this works perfectly for the server game.
This is the function “Hit Player” in which the bulk of the operation takes place, again all of this works for the server game, but only the “Attach to component” node appears to be working for clients, the arrow(projectile in question) will collide with the players, which sticks into players and stops on the server game. HOWEVER, on the client games, it somewhat attaches to the player, except; keeps on moving and colliding with stuff, making it rotate around in the air as if it was attached to the characters pivot.
I had this working almost perfectly earlier, networking is driving me mad!
Any comments at all whilst i sleep off this rage would be appreciated.