Unreal Migration Failure (5.2-5.3)

I tried migrating my UE 5.2 to 5.3 by making a clone

It didn’t work with the 5.3 so now I’m back at 5.2
I thought it worked fine in the engine, with no errors or anything.

The problem is that visual studio isn’t connected to my project.
Meaning that whenever I hot-reload my project it won’t detect any changes from VS.

I have no idea how to fix this.
Hopefully you can help me out

I tried cloning a while back, and it didn’t work for me.

Have you tried zipping your project and then update that zipped version, leaving your original the way it was?


No I haven’t tried that
How do I update the zipped version?

The ZIP just makes a copy, virtually identical to cloning.