Unreal measurement unit for PC vs Mobile

Hello world,

I had configured “max draw distance” for the assets in my map to take advantage of the various optimization features.
While i was on the pc, a max distance of 5k worked well as the assets would be culled soon after their presence is no longer of any significance. On the other hand, i needed the max draw distance @ 15k to achieve the same render on my android device.

Does the unreal unit for the PC vary to the Mobile platform (Android - Default ATC profile) ?

from what I know 1 unreal unit is always 1 centimeter.

It could be because of the resolution, I thought lodding was based on screen percentage not distance.

Same resolution. Although, i am able to view a much wider portion of the level on the phone.

Edit: Had observed the camera visibility while i was in the editor. Standalone for both PC and Mobile are alike.

Max draw distance on primitives uses unreal units (1 cm = 1unit). When your camera moves beyond this point it stops rendering it.

I believe it is. The distance anomaly might have something else to do with it.

Well I dont understand that at all, its not like the distance changes unless it has to do with precision and thats why there is a unit conversion taking place. Have you tried measuring the distance with a trace to see if the trace is indeed the same length on both? If its the same then the issue is with the culling code itself not a unit conversion.

Worth a shot. brb.

Verified that the distance units are the same between the camera and any random primitive, both for the pc and mobile.
But the distance anomaly persists for the max draw cull distance. Beats me why.

Yeah that seems odd, Im not sure what function takes care of this but it could be worth looking into the source to see how it works. Its entirely possible youve found a bug :slight_smile:

Hmmmmmm… (-_-)

Hey guys,

This is actually related to your scalability settings. Specifically the view distance scale:


If you set the above to 1, the distance should match with the results you get in PC.

Currently got my hands in AI.
Will return to this asap and update.

Thanks FS…