I got a 116 GB SSD and im using it to run Windows and some important apps, exceptUE4, a huge app that i have stored on my 2 TB HD, and after the Lightmass process and some days working on different maps, its is filling my SSD in a short period of time, i understand lightmass have to store the record files on a folder on the main HD C: so i changed the storage folder to my 2 TB HD, (i did this on the Swarm Agent Tool, on settings) but it keeps filling my SSD, and its just 20 MB free, after a format that i did just 1 week ago.
I noticed a folder on appdata/roaming that is named with the unreal engine versions and its constant fulled with many arquives and many GB (15-20), i dont know if this really matter but i would like to know if there is a way to seek and change the unreal storage folder on my main SSD.
It would be the cached shaders/code from your projects and vault items, they are stored in .ddp files. I beleive it’s safe to remove these if you are the only one linked to any projects. Derived Data Cache | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
To remove these safely, close all unreal related items like the client and editor, go to your epic games folder, and search for .ddp, sort by size and delete and delete them all. Screenshot - ad11b0dfc1e2a9ed4d89f06d532ebe3e - Gyazo
Open one of your projects.
In the content browser go to your filter settings, enable everything but Other Filters
Ctrl+A on everything in the browser and Right Click them
Depending on the amount of shaders that need to be recompiled and your computers specs this will take a long time and may crash the engine
Do this twice to make sure all of the shaders are cached so you get better performance down the line.
Not entirely sure if there is a way to change the directories of these files, but do this when ever you need space.