Unreal Header Tool - Parsing for comment "/*// s"


I use comment like /* // s which use both comment '/*', and '//' together for specific purpose.

  1. It is okay to compile if it’s in cpp file
  2. It cause compilation error from Unreal Header Tool, if it’s in header file

In summary, Unreal Header Tool cause the compilation error with following code

/*// s
*/// e 
UCLASS(collapsecategories, MinimalAPI)


  • Harry

Hey Harry.Kim-

I was able to reproduce the compile error using multi-line and single line comments in conjunction. The problem seems to come from the single line comment that follows the close of the multi-line comment. This has been bugged (UE-14227) for further investigation. As a workaround you can avoid the compile error by including a space between the end of the multi-line comment and the following single line comment.
