Unreal Engine Weekly Livestream - Get a heavy dose of news and community spotlight - Live at Epic HQ


and catch you up on all the latest happenings around UE4 and Epic. Then we’ll be showing off a lot of mind-blowing creations from the UE4 community that we’ve discovered. Drop on in, check out all the cool updates and ask us questions.

Thursday, Dec. 3 @ 2:00PM ET - Countdown]



  • Sr. Community Manager - ]()
  • Community Manager - ]()

See you there!

Edit: The YouTube archive is now available here.

Looking forward to it!

Awesome Sauce!

With Unreal Engine teaming up with SOAR Technologies for Military training and simulations are there any plans to roll features or improvements back into the mainline Unreal engine 4 branch from Soar Technologies?

Looking forward to seeing that :slight_smile:

Good stuff. Glad you folks post this in the Epic Games launcher, because it gives me a reminder to dive back into this series.

Can I get a “I need no stinkin badge” badge? :smiley: