Unreal Engine: UNavigationSystemV1::ProjectPointToNavigation is not working in editor, always returns false

I’m trying to find the closest point on navmesh in the editor. The Navigation is built but this method is always returns false with any extent. Also, UNavigationSystemV1::GetMainNavData() is always nullptr. Is it possible to access navdata in editor?

    UNavigationSystemV1* NavSys = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent<UNavigationSystemV1>(GetWorld());
    ANavigationData* NavData = NavSys->GetDefaultNavDataInstance();

    if (!NavSys->ProjectPointToNavigation(CoverPosition, ProjectedPosition, FVector(2.f * CapsuleRadius, 2.f * CapsuleRadius, 2.f * StandCoverHeight)))
        return false;

    CoverPosition = ProjectedPosition.Location;
What happen if do it that way?

bool bChecker = false;
if (NavSys->ProjectPointToNavigation(CoverPosition, ProjectedPosition, FVector(2.f * CapsuleRadius, 2.f * CapsuleRadius, 2.f * StandCoverHeight)))
        bChecker = 1;
    }else{bChecker  =  0; }

   //print string  using gengine or any macro if you have with message Success NavSys
    CoverPosition = ProjectedPosition.Location;
   //print string  using gengine or any macro if you have with message UnSuccess NavSys