Unreal Engine support GLTF 3D model


I am working on AR Solution for Android Platform. I am supporting .gltf format 3D model. Do Unreal Engine support gltf 3D model?


Yes, we just added glTF 2.0 import in Unreal Engine 4.19 (now available in public preview). Right now it supports StaticMesh, Material, and Texture assets. We’ll be adding animation, skinning, morph targets in a future release.

See the linked forum post for related info:

Waiting For glTF to come out of beta.

How about export?

It is a pity that morph targets cannnot be added in 2022 :face_exhaling:

The positive news is that glTF importer is steadily improving since a few versions.
But, morph is not supported yet, as of today, morph pose and animation are works planned for 5.2.

You mean Unreal Engine version 5.2.0?

Yes 5.2.0, they did not make the cut for 5.1.0.

Don’t wait to use glTFForUE4 to import the morph/skeleton mesh at UE4 & UE5.

Any updates? 5.2-5.3 now supports morph targets?

Added in 5.3, for glTF import:

  • morph targets and morph animation
  • Vertex color
  • KHR_materials_emissive_strength
  • KHR_mesh_quantization

Does it support importing morph targets with normals different from the base shape?

Currently FBX importer doesn’t seem to support it and the only way to get it to Unreal is to use alembic I guess.