When I remove the piece of code and try to launch I get the same error?
Hi Kacper_Sek,
Visual Studio hasn’t compiled your new code with that line removed. If you have tried to compile it and it still happens, you may need to exit from Visual Studio and your Project and reload.
Thank you, but i’ve already tried to compile it and tried restarting and unfortunately that didnt work
We’ll need some more information then I think - like the cpp and h files layout in Visual Studio and your project settings - how did you add the new source files for your character?
(just a tip, a good way to see if your source code is compiling is to add the line “sdkjfhsdf” to your code - if it errors - it’s compiling)
The CPP and H files are the default ones that come with a preset apart from the code I put in, but it worked before adding the code above as I compiled it just before trying to set the mouse cursor to show. I didn’t add any new source files. And it is definitely compiling showing no issues or errors, the only error is from launching the project.
Are you sure it’s the correct log then? Did you try the “sdfkjdhsf”?
Yes I did try that and it gave me errors. I removed it and compiled it again, gave no errors
Ok, I would suggest you compile your project in “Debug mode” and you should then get a break-point in Visual Studio rather than a log file - it will show the code line it crashes on - or you’ll be able to test the ACPSProjectCharacter object to make sure it’s ok.
Otherwise, I’d recreate the project again in case something did accidentally get changed…
Nothing from debug mode, guess its time to recreate it, thanks for the effort