Main Issue: What can be done with player controllers in CPP or blueprints?
Short Summary: I get that creating player controllers can help set a number of pre-defined controller set-ups (imagine switching in Fornite from pro-builder to another type of controller setup) for players to choose from, but other than that, is there really a benefit from choosing a player controller over setting up the input directly in the pawn or character actors?
My Usage: Through setting up small video games here and there I’ve always questioned whether or not this is something useful, some times I use them to set different controller presets for the players to use, and other times I just create one and directly attach all functionality there, and other times I just attach the input directly in the pawn or character actors.
Is there a real reason or alternate reason for always creating a player controller and attaching the functionality directly there or should I just create the setup in the pawn or character actors?