Unreal Engine Player Controller Issue

Main Issue: What can be done with player controllers in CPP or blueprints?

Short Summary: I get that creating player controllers can help set a number of pre-defined controller set-ups (imagine switching in Fornite from pro-builder to another type of controller setup) for players to choose from, but other than that, is there really a benefit from choosing a player controller over setting up the input directly in the pawn or character actors?

My Usage: Through setting up small video games here and there I’ve always questioned whether or not this is something useful, some times I use them to set different controller presets for the players to use, and other times I just create one and directly attach all functionality there, and other times I just attach the input directly in the pawn or character actors.

Is there a real reason or alternate reason for always creating a player controller and attaching the functionality directly there or should I just create the setup in the pawn or character actors?

PlayerController has it’s usages apart from input only. You should manage widgets from PlayerController.

As for the input, you can setup some general input like Pause, movement, action… etc., on the player controller, and pawn specific input can be in pawn itself.

Pawn is just something that is possessed by the PlayerController. Imagine unpossessing pawn, and being unable to pause, or exit the game.

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I guess I didn’t think about it that way, I completely forgot about that XD. Thanks.

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