Unreal Engine Musicvideo

Please welcome my latest musicvideo, which I made for the band of an old good friend.
Since the song is in Hungarian, use the subtitles. I translated it into English so that you can understand something from it. I wish everyone pleasant holidays!


Hi there @DanielMagyar,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far!

What an artistic and distinctive video. The facial expressions alone are just awesome. What inspired you to create this project in particular? And was it a combination of ideas of your own with your band friend? :slight_smile:


@PresumptivePanda Thank you! Don’t need to think of anything grand. This video wasn’t preceded by lengthy planning. Instead, the magic of the moment gave birth to what we see now. The starting point was that lately, since it’s also my job and I do it in my film “The Fortunate Son” it was evident that I would make a clip in Unreal and Metahuman Animator. The band is really cool and they never say anything, they trusted me with everything. I wanted to develop the idea more, but unfortunately, there was neither time nor enough money for it. So, it became an improvised and passion project, which is evident because it’s full of small flaws, the cuts are not in the right places, compositions are a bit clumsy, lip-sync occasionally slips… But overall, I have to say, that’s how it became authentic.


@PresumptivePanda Yes, the facial expressions when I first saw them on the models, that’s when I decided what the clip would be about. Before that, all I knew was that I would record the singers, how they sing, and then we’ll see what comes out of it. But when I set up the first face and the virtual character started singing, I immediately knew that the clip would be built around singing faces.


Hey again! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to me. I’m so glad to see you were given complete freedom when creating the project - it’s always interesting to see what comes of that. In this case, it resulted in a totally rad music video :slight_smile:

Hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing of your work! :smiley:

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Official Selection and Best Director Nominee @ BARCIFF It’s a small step, but I promise it’s not the last!

A few days from now, it will be revealed!

this is next level video creation!! great work!

the roughness in the lips is intentional??

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@lupo_v yes of course. most of the things are intentional in this music video.
very few things happened by chance

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