Unreal Engine Livestream - Unreal Engine Marketplace Updates - November 1st - Live from Epic HQ

How are unreal assets at all expensive?

I’m looking at some building facade models right now, about 40 euro for 96 meshes, 84 textures and a few materials.

I can imagine that easily took 4 weeks to make, maybe 3. If we assume it took 4 weeks, that would have cost a company 4560 euro to pay the guy to make that. ( Including tax )

This pack costs you 40 euro… , I mean obviously you don’t get the exclusivity, but that is still an insane deal right?

I agree with this 100%

Thanks you epic for making this change to the market…

Informative stream - thanks. Bad move with free assets - can’t really say “thank you” for this :confused:

Do we have a TL.DW somewhere?

Hard to imagine what is coming based on one sarcastic comment and one that seems to have some issues with something they want to do regarding free assets.

Quiero jugar

If this is in Halloween, I want to see in christmas.

Hey guys if you need the link to the new assets here it is: New Free Content Coming to the Unreal Engine Marketplace - Unreal Engine

Also let me know your thoughts on the new assets. I already have downloaded them and tried some out. Personally I enjoy any landscape assets that are free, who doesn’t like the big open world feel? I also enjoy any realistic water asset help as water is very hard to replicate properly.

One of my biggest anticipated releases have been the guns! Thank you for finally releasing some free gun assets to the marketplace! I cannot wait to incorporate these into my game.

Love you Epic Games! By the way, when can I get a tour? .

Not sure why you would say bad move, it helps out the smaller guys to start with their developing. This creates more opportunities for Epic to have a bigger audience of devs to compete more with Unity and Cryengine and the other major players (Unreal Engine is still better than them, just saying). Free things are never a bad idea for a company. Many companies give away free things or free samples. Why? Well behind this brings more attention to the company and its product or services. A huge spike in downloads and clicks show on the analytics for Epic that when they do this, it creates more conversions for them. This is a marketing tactic that works very well which is a win-win for both the creators like me and you and the company like Epic. Epic wants more people using its game engine, not less. Also this shows Epic cares for its Community by giving back not taking away.

What’s your seller name, I can offer some C&C to help you out. :slight_smile:

your saying you pay more the 40USD for somethings that would cost 10USD in the US? Hmm I think you made an error.

currently the USD exchanging in RS is 1 USD(dollar) = 3.67 RS(REAL) and if we apply the normal taxes the credit cards put when making a purchase it can easy go to 4 RS(Real).

it ending means which if we could put on a 1 to 1 comparation we ending paying 4x the normal price, again i know which it’s not epic fault and most of our country and also the "globalized market and others like policies and bla bla bla but the point is which a “currence conversion” like others companies like EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft, steam and GoG could help a lot that sort of issue where you don’t have a “proper value” for the things in market and the price fluctuation in one day you can be paying one value then in another day another price (normally high)

But Epic could set special region based pricing like Steam does. Now, if the creator chooses not to follow recommendation, that’s their prerogative. On Steam usually devs follow Valve’s recommendation and set pricing according to the region.

yeah that is why steam and GoG (which also have lower prices games) are awesome, normally a product on steam ending costing much less than what it was supposed if they followed the “normal currence conversion”


a product cost USD 40 outside steam, if steam used the “normal conversion/exchange” based on the USD current value that product could ending costing around 160 RS( using current exchanges and taxes) even if they could avoid the credit card taxes it could still ending costing around 140 to 150 RS, however they manage to sell the product for around 80 for the best course and 120 for the worst, which is much more easy for the customers to buy it.

the others companies like EA and blizzard they try to do the same but the ending price still more high than steam in most cases without counting a big factor for steam which is about games, which is too old games prices start to drop over time to a point where you can buy many games for the price of a single game.

here in BRAZIL we call steam our beloved “parent”(father or mother), because it really make much more easy for us to purchaise many games they even allow you to do payments like you can pay for the product in like from 2x 3x without any “taxe” and up to 12x (with small taxes) this is really a bi “thing” for my country cuz most of the times we have to pay high for products normally it is on payments.

It’s also helped a lot great decrease the piracy in our country, basically almost of my “non blizzard games” are from steam and i have a lot of games most of then thanks to steam and current i’m looking for buy some programs like marvellous design and substance design and akeytsu to work on my game project since they are on steam and the price is “reasonable” and time to time they go on sales which help even more.

Really steam was the best thing to happen here in my country, if not was for then i could not have even one third of the things i’m current having and see epic going on that route could be a big dream

but for sure a local currence conversion in the same model of steam could make it much more insane and easy to sell in countries like mine where the USD exchanges are overpriced.

Hello Epic, many thanks for that stream and shared info.
I wish that the marketplace sents automatically a reminder to customers after they bought a pack(sidenote: I noticed Unity does it this way.
You get two reminder emails, one a week, after no response they leave you alone. Sure, you can’t force someone to vote, simply just a reminder.

Thanks for pushing this plattform to the next level!


May we expect some packs from Epic that really have good performance and work together? Otherwise those stand-alone packs from the market place are pretty much useless for indie developers as you have to put more time into learning them and bug-fix them instead of using them for youre project.