Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost AGAIN AND AGAIN

I have faced this and some other serious bug in packed games.

Forums of some big studios which released big titles in 2019-2020 are filled with user complaints about d3d device being lost. It does not look good when such serious bugs which affect end user are neither acknowledged nor fixed for so long. Acknowledging and giving a time frame for fixing will boost game dev confidence to work with the engine.

Some years back once you pack the game it used to work without much problem unlike the editor. Now though the editor has become a bit more stable, lot of bugs which is not visible in PIE is there in the packed game. (also for different hardware configurations).

Now days though I a developer who knows to modify the editor and engine, I am a bit afraid to start a game project in unreal because of all these bugs which get into the packed game.

Please focus on quality before feature and give the option to download unreal editor for game developers without all the content creators stuff.