Unreal engine how to put play to a level sequencer from C++ "get an ALevelSequenceActor from the scene in c++"

Unreal Engine Version: 4.27.2-18319896+++UE4+Release-4.27

Does anyone know how to include ALevelSequenceActor in a .CPP file, I did not enter the form, it shows me an error…
The issue is that I want to handle the levelsequence from C++ but I can’t find a way to include the library.
I mean I include it like this.

#include <LevelSequence/Public/LevelSequenceActor.h>

and if i want to do this
Error in ALevelSequenceActor::StaticClass().


|TArray< AActor*> level_Sequences;
||UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), ALevelSequenceActor::StaticClass(), level_Sequences);

I also included in Build.Cs LevelSequenceActor, but it doesn’t work.

And this is a weird include error that appears in LevelSequenceActor.h

I also cannot declare a pointer of type ALevelSequenceActor

Tutorial in Spanish showing the procedure to solve this problem.

Things to keep in mind
in build.cs in PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange
add “LevelSequence”, “MovieScene”

declare the variable with forward declaration in the .h file

Include modules with symbols <> instead of “”. with this operation you should be able to search for it in the scene and make it work

When you do that if you have autocomplete problems or the errors mentioned above, delete the content inside the “Binaries” and “Intermediate” folder in your project files. WHAT’S INSIDE, not the folders
Also delete the .sln

Then regenerate the Visual studio files by right clicking on the unreal icon

and ready problem solved!.

Project source code on github in case you want to see it