Running 5.2.1… Same problem… Have you tried 5.3?

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A few weeks ago, when I tried doing it, it worked perfectly fine in 5.2. Now, when I tried baking the animation sequence again, it would just freeze. I tried restarting and changing RHIS to VULKAN; it wouldn’t even open and crashed every time. I tried installing the Nvidia Studio drivers, but no luck. When I duplicated my file and changed it to DirectX 11, it finally worked without any issues.

I have tried changing RHIS from DirectX12 to DirectX11 … and it seems to work in UE 5.2.1

Guys, I have found another solution. In my laptop, there is this option in Nvidia Control Panel that in the Manage Display mode, it has the option NVIDIA GPU only and Optimus.

For Unreal Engine you should always pic NVIDIA GPU only.

Unreal needs high power :smiley:


THANK YOU! It worked!! Finally!

Guys, I have found another solution. In my laptop, there is this option in Nvidia Control Panel that in the Manage Display mode, it has the option NVIDIA GPU only and Optimus…

of course my integrated card blocks this menu on nvdia control panel …

… and the nightmare continues …

Hi selected High Performance Processor instead of the integrated graphics card, but it doesn’t work.

Edit for version 5.3 - had to change the line to Sleep(16); before it would work

Is anyone even working on this in epic? it has been a year now … 2h to try and brute force any sequence generation …

sometimes running editor with window8 compatibility works temporarily …

Thank you! I use 5.2.1 and this also worked!!

And the nightmare continues …
Could epic integrate that Sleep(X) line in the engine, with X parameter in a .ini?
What does it take? 30 minutes, coffee break included?
Until then no sequence generation + random editor crash on laptops

Had the same issue. My laptop is equiped with intel integrated graphics as well as an nvidia gpu. My issue is that windows is set to decide which gpu to use based on the application’s performance recommendation. Epic games was set to low and used the integrated. I had to go to my display settings and manually set it to high performance to get it to work (after updating my drivers of course).

Change RHI Dx12 to Dx 11 in ProjectSettings.

It works for me

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Same here. I didn’t want to believe that would solve it but it did. Don’t know why… I was trying to bake leaning animations to make a blend space from a given animation asset.

nanite are off when you do that.

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how about return to dx12 after bake animations ?

hum good idea, i’ll try

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works like a charm … even with the visual bugs in dx11 … like invisible transforms gizmos for ex

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i face same issue in unreal 5.3 after bake animation my unreal is frizzing