Hi, I have some mixamo animations that i have imported and retargeted perfectly. I have also put together a few of these to make one animation sequence, however when i go to bake the animation sequence so I can carry on in Marvelous Designer to make the clothes, the project freezes. I have waited hours, and even tried shortening the sequence length to 1 second just to test if it was to do with the length or size of the animations, to no avail. I need help please, thank you.


Freezing Unreal Editor ? or Marvelous Designer ?

It freezes in the unreal editor. The version is 5.1 to be more specific. I just tried to upload a screen recording of exactly what is going on but because I’m a new user on this forum, it’s not allowing me. Anyway
it freezes when I go to bake my animation and this is really frustrating, I hve tried to wait hours to see if anything actually happens, but o no avail

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This is not an unreal engine problem
I think your system hardware graphic card, drivers etc.,
what is your system configuration?
If your hardware requirements reach for unreal engine,
Try updating graphic drivers and reset

I have an RTX 3060, I am aware of the possibility that it might have been a hardware problem, but i’ve already gone through that troubleshoot lane, updated and even un- & reinstalled all my drivers, same with UE, still to no avail

I am a relatively new UE user so do you think the problem might just be the size of the animations? Or the length? I considered that but that can’t be it because I’m sure other people have mare larger and longer animations than the 30s one I’m trying to create here so what would you say?
Thanks :slight_smile:

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The animations ain’t the issue, I think it’s your system’s specs, unreal engine 5 is a very heavy engine that’s why I’m sticking with the good old 4.26 for now, I’ll advise you download a lower version, there ain’t much difference apart from the nanites, lumen and world partition

Your System Processor, Ram, HDD, SSD, etc., post here.

Same here since 5.1 … i baked a lot of animation before on 5.0 … and now it does this. However it is not a freeze, it’s a crash that occurs before the crash report is written, as there is a crash report process appearing.
I’m sometimes able to trick it by exporting the sequence on a fresh new project … but it’s not 100%

baking animations on new projects seems to work fine, but not on assets created before 5.1…

I’m having the same issue, even on a new project, since 5.1 .
Could you try to run UnrealEditor.exe with administrator rights?
It seems to fix the issue for me, but as you said other workarounds didn’t worked for 100% of the times.

still freeze-crashing in admin mode.

Had same issue, after updating gpu driver problem got solved.

I have the same problem and neither driver updates nor running in admin mode fixes it. Anybody find any other solutions?

I tried a kind of workaround by making other alterations and saving animation with preview mesh but the exact same freeze occurs.

driver update didn’t change anything either … hope this is fixed in 5.2 … because this is unusable … amongs the dozen of new crashes added with 5.1 …

Same issue. I have c++ project, after selecting bake animation sequece option engine freezes, and after force stoping and reopening project my saved level sequence seems to be broken

Replaced my latest NVidia Game Ready Driver with Studio Driver through GeForce Experience, baking works, almost instantly

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And it freezes again when I tried to bake for the second time, engine and PC restart doesn’t help :frowning:

First,you should use the source build UE which can be downloaded from GitHub.
Second,open the file [UnrealEngine]\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Viewport.cpp,find the line writting the code “PreferredPixelFormat = GetDefaultBackBufferPixelFormat();” which directly courses the problen.Now #include <Windows.h> at the top of the cpp,and just before the line coursing the problem insert the code “Sleep(8);”(the value to Sleep is up to you),and build the UE5 project.Now the problem is solved.

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This might not necessarily be THE fix… but after having the same problems, I did make a couple changes to my sequence that finally allowed me to bake the sequence without a freeze/crash.
Essentially I did things to simplify everything Unreal had to do for the baking process.

First, I was working with a control rig and using “additive sections” to layer on different animations. So on the main track I did “right-click>collapse all sections” to bake all my keyframes onto a single layer (make sure to do this on a copy of your level sequence if you want to keep those layers to edit later).

Second, I changed the sequencer to go from looping to no looping, just in case looping had the potential to confuse Unreal further:

Those things fixed the problem for me. So I would suggest trying those, and also simplifying any other complexities you may have in your sequence before you bake.
Also, make sure you have the correct files checked out if you are working in Perforce/version control!

Hope this helps!